From Argentina to reality Maradonian K

Circumstances dictate that, in these hours, most Argentines vibrates, celebrations or cry with the team of Diego Maradona. Above the traditional passion for football, our country is identified with the national team coach under quite a few similarities: it is as great as arrogant, as amazing as contradictory, as euphoric as depressed and as ingenious as self-destructive.
The presidential couple not escape comparison. Nestor and Cristina Kirchner have several things in common with Maradona: they both love to appear to defy the supposedly powerful-whether they Fifa or Grupo Clarín, "are fond of conspiracy theories and are subject to public scorn for journalists and media outlets that question . In the midst of political adversity known, it is not uncommon to hear the former president using phrases whose meaning may evoke the popular Maradona sentence when he was out of the World 1994 by doping: "They cut off my legs."
With the example of most Argentine soccer star, who returns to cherish the glory, Kirchner dreams of resurgence from the ashes left by the election debacle that tomorrow will mark exactly one year. And judging by the results of public opinion polls, has reason to encourage any hope of recovery, although hard to dream of retaining the championship in 2011.
A poll by Graciela Romer y Asociados, completed in May from 800 citizens of the Federal Capital and Greater Buenos Aires, you realize that 36% of respondents approve the presidential administration of Cristina Kirchner and 59% disapprove. Is data that shows the weakness of the ruling before an eventual marriage ballottage. In spite of these data, the survey detected an improvement in perception about the government, which in late 2009 only reached 26% approval rating.
On the economic situation in about a year, 39% of respondents considered that we will be worse and only 20% indicates that we will be better. However, the prospects are considerably better with respect to a year ago when, coinciding with the last elections, 51% had negative expectations and only 15% exhibited positive forecasts.
Magical realism, almost Maradonian own in Argentina, Kirchner has leaders and others who seek to be well with the government to emphasize how good we are. UDI is the case of Pablo Moyano, son of the head of the CGT, who shortly before leaving for South Africa to follow the team of Maradona, said that "while the world debate the crisis in Europe and settings, the Argentines are discussing salary increases "up to 32 percent.
A similar approach was realized in the President, which abounded in the last hours motherly advice to their developed-world counterparts, urging them to avoid settings and follow the model Kirchner.
Not a few economists believe, however, that the problems of the Old Continent have done precisely obey its own in recent years the recipe Kirchner, that is, to permanently increase public spending on higher rates to higher revenues.


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