Queiroz says "im not playing and throws warnings to the national team

"When I say that a player is injured is because he is, and when I say that a player is tired is because is tired.

I did Not mortgaged my future at Manchester United to play.So do not question my honor. "The words are by Carlos Queiroz, national coach, in response to various controversies surrounding the 'team  during their World Cup in South Africa, such as sudden injury of Nani and Deco or the reaction of captain Cristiano Ronaldo, after the defeat to the Spanish counterpart: "If they want to know why we lost ask  Carlos Queiroz 

The Portuguese coach highlights the good performance of the team during the race and says he has the feeling of accomplishment, although noted that the end result is not satisfactory."
The mission was not accomplished, but we have the feeling that the duty was fulfilled. As such, we head up and with complete peace of mind about what we did. The result does not satisfy us, but will be a stronger incentive to return in August or September when we start to qualifying for the European Championship, 
"said Queiroz, still leaving a word of thanks to those who supported the selection during its journey.Regarding statements of Ronaldo, the coach says is "normal" existence of frustration.

 'It is natural and understandable some frustration, and sometimes they are not sufficiently educated and well directed. We are not here to be friends of the players,
 "he said and assured reporters that; they will not be ignored, "although" I will not give them the same dimension If I need to spend my whole life  teaching that frustrations  must be contained and directed, I will do it '.
Queiroz has made clear that Portugal needs Ronaldo and not  "wasting its resources."
'the portuguese team  needs Ronaldo and Ronaldo needs the portuguese team. We are not a country so big that we may waste our best resources, "he stressed, warning that" if the size of the shirt is too small for somebody they do not need to be here.


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