World Cup Security Raises Concerns

JOHANNESBURG — Someone walks through a metal detector and the buzzer sounds. Smiling guards wave him forward without making him empty his pockets or even explain why the alarm might have gone off.
That scene, unthinkable at an airport terminal, has been repeated many times at several stadiums in the first days of the World Cup. With the attention of billions of soccer fans, the monthlong event hosted by South Africa could be a tempting target for terrorists.
The laid-back security treatment at stadiums and the main media center appears to be reserved mostly for credentialed visitors such as journalists and VIPs. Bag searches are often cursory or nonexistent, and credentials often are not closely examined.
Horst Schmidt, a senior FIFA security expert who is an adviser to the World Cup organizers, expressed confidence that regular fans were being rigorously screened, but said it was possible that people with credentials were treated with more deference.
"Maybe it's more relaxed," he said. "But there are strict orders... They checked my accreditation. They looked into my face to compare with the photograph."
Thus far, no serious security problems have been reported at the venues during matches – fans have been exuberant and mostly well-behaved. Police say they are pleased, and FIFA – while acknowledging widespread inexperience among the venue screeners – is confident there will be steady improvement as the tournament progresses.
"This was the first time they were facing this amount of people getting in," Schmidt said. "It takes some time to make them aware and familiar with the situation."



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