Danny Green-Paul Briggs fight was fixed, claim bookies

Green v Briggs
A BETTING plunge before Wednesday night's bout between Danny Green and Paul Briggs has helped spark an inquiry into whether it was a sham.
Briggs was knocked out in 29 seconds after a glancing blow to the head.
The West Australian Professional Combat Sports Commission said it would refer the matter to police if it found either fighter had thrown the IBO cruiserweight fight in Perth.
Bookies said there had been a rush of bets, some as high as $20,000, in the hours before the bout. Most of the cash came from the west and led to a dramatic betting plunge on a Green victory in the first round, with odds falling from about $8 to $1.50.
Betting agencies said the fight was "obviously dubious" and put in doubt whether they would offer bets on similar mismatched bouts in the future.
The commission also defended its decision to issue a permit for the fight, even though the NSW Combat Sports Authority had refused because of concerns over Briggs's health and his 3 1/2-year absence from the ring.



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