Darwin diner mums told to keep their legs closed

A DARWIN restaurant owner has launched a tirade against a group of mothers - suggesting they "keep their legs closed" - after one diner brought her 11-week-old baby to his eatery.
He then accused one woman of having "saggy tits" and suggested another had a "floppy c...".
Tramontana restaurant owner John Spellman refused to discuss the incident with the Northern Territory News yesterday. "Who cares," he said when asked about the matter.
Health worker Katie, 35, who asked not to have her surname published, said she booked the dinner for five women - including a mother with a newborn - on Wednesday night at the exclusive $1.7 million Italian restaurant.
"I rang in the morning to make sure we could bring a pram, because some places you can't," she said.
"As we walked out, he yelled out 'you ladies better keep your legs together or you will end up like your friend'."
Public servant Amy, 27, was also with the group and confronted Mr Spellman about his comments.
"He went on about how he had two women in his establishment with babies, and he thought he was on best behaviour, considering the other woman started breast feeding," she said.
"When I called him a bastard, he said my friend had saggy tits. And I probably had a floppy 'c'. He actually used the word."
Mr Spellman gained worldwide attention earlier this year when he charged patrons $10 for wearing thongs. When a customer complained, he took a $10 note out of the register and said: "Buy yourself a hamburger".



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