"Do not let me die in the river"

Fernando Maximo, risked his life to prevent the youth of 14 years drowned

"Do not let me die here. Hold me, hold me!" Fernando Maximino, 45, remembers well the despair of the boy who nearly drowned Monday at the beach of chilblains in Pocinho, Vila Nova de Foz Coa.
The minor, aged 14, was rescued from the river Douro, but his uncle, Luis Silva, 24, disappeared in the waters - the body was found and rescued by firefighters Tuesday morning.
"I heard cries for help and saw the two struggling. I had it go the urge to throw myself to the water. The current was strong, but after several attempts, I managed to get an inflatable mattress to the boy," says Fernando Maximino, adding: "I was running out of strength, but when he begged me to save you I do not know where to seek power."
Luis Silva and his nephew, resident in Santo Tirso, were vacationing in Vila Nova de Foz Coa, and how cool was it was very hot in the river Douro, from chilblains on the beach, an area much sought but insecure and unattended.
The two went to play and soak in water. At one point, lost standing and settled panic. Fernando Maximino only regrets not having been able to save two swimmers.


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