Flight attendant Rodney Lorenzo 'threatened jihad' on American Airlines

american airlinesA FLIGHT attendant with a short fuse threatened to unleash jihad on American Airlines after it fired him for hurling a coffee pot at a fellow cabin crew member.
Rodney Lorenzo, 45, sent letters to the airline's executives with "Boom!!" written on the envelopes, a court in New York was told.
The letters, posted in 2008, contained pages from an employee handbook showing how to access an airplane cockpit.
Mr Lorenzo, who faces charges of making terrorist threats, allegedly said he would forward the information to Islamic groups in the hope they would use it against the
airline and its passengers.
Prosecutors said that he first sent threats to the woman at whom he threw a coffee pot..
He then allegedly unleashed his terror campaign on the American Airlines executives.
Mr Lorenzo claimed that he threw the coffee pot because he was upset over a friend's attempted suicide and that he was aiming at a door.

New York Post.


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