Mechanic sprayed with brake cleaner and set alight 'for a laugh'

Matthew Lever
Matthew Lever leaves court after being convicted of setting an apprentice alight. Picture: Darren McNamara

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  • Mechanic burned using brake cleaner
  • Was done "for a laugh"
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A YARRA VALLEY man was convicted today for setting an apprentice alight in a sickening workplace attack.
Matthew Lever, 23, was one of three apprentices who sprayed brake cleaner on fellow diesel mechanic apprentice Daniel Bridgborn "for a laugh''.
The Ringwood Magistrates' Court heard Mr Bridgborn, who was working under a truck, had told the trio not to spray him but they ignored him and he was set alight,
The victim, who was 17 at the time, spent a week at The Alfred hospital burns unit where surgeons used synthetic skin to repair his wounds.
Lever, of Gladysdale in the Yarra Valley, pleaded guilty to three charges of failing to take reasonable care for the health and safety of workmates.

 the Herald Sun reports.


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