Mother whose daughter vanished for 36 years is told: 'She doesn't want to meet you'

Olive HampsonFor 36 years she longed for the day when she would see her missing daughter again.
Olive Hampson spent endless hours trying to find Pamela, contacting charities, taking part in TV and newspaper appeals and searching where she disappeared.
So Mrs Hampson was left heartbroken after her daughter was finally traced - but refused to meet her.

Heartbroken: Olive Hampson, 86, has been told her daughter, now 62, is safe and well but does not want to see her
The 86-year-old widow was given the bombshell news two weeks ago that Pamela, who vanished mysteriously aged 25, had been found but did not want her whereabouts revealed.
Mrs Hampson, whose husband Richard died five years ago, said she was 'in pieces' and could not understand her daughter's reasons.
Pamela was working for a pet food company and teaching at Sunday school when she went missing from her rented home in Hove, East Sussex.
Pamela HampsonFound: Pamela Hampson, pictured before she went missing 36 years ago
She had moved there with an older boyfriend she met at work. He had apparently left her some weeks before she vanished with just the clothes on her back.
Her parents last received a letter-from Pamela in July 1974 after she and her boyfriend had visited them for the weekend.
Around two months later, after hearing nothing from her, they visited and found she had gone missing.
Mrs Hampson, of Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, said: 'I'm just devastated. I feel lost and can't sleep.
'We've waited 36 years for this day, searching for her and thinking about her.
'My husband died not knowing whether his daughter was alive or dead, and now the police have said, "She doesn't want to see you".
'I can't understand it. I don't know what I've done. I just wish she would talk to me and tell me why she went, and I could put my arms around her.
'When she went, she was young and happy and had a loving family. There were no clues this would happen.'
Mrs Hampson added: 'I still keep hoping she'll think it over and get in touch. If I could only see her to tell her I love her. I don't care what's happened or what she might have done.'
Mrs Hampson and her husband had two sons, Richard, now 56, and Barry, 60, and three grandchildren, one in the Army preparing to go to Afghanistan.
Earlier this year the family gave DNA samples to a police 'cold case' team to help with a new search.
It is not clear if this helped officers, but a fortnight ago Richard was contacted by Leicestershire police, who said Pamela, now 61, had been found.
A spokesman for Sussex Police said: 'We made inquiries about Pamela after a contact from Leicestershire Constabulary. We were able to trace her and we are satisfied she is well.
'She has specifically said that no further information should be given to anyone about her whereabouts or her circumstances and we are bound by that requirement.'

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