Playmate ordered to leave SA

Jennifer Rovero Port Elizabeth - The South African government has given a former Playboy Playmate and friend of US socialite Paris Hilton 14 days to leave the country, Home Affairs ministry spokesperson Ronnie Mamoepa said on Saturday.

This is after Jennifer Rovero was caught in possession of marijuana at a World Cup game in Port Elizabeth on Friday.

Mamoepa said the 31-year-old Rovero, a Playboy Playmate of July 1999, was served with an order to 
leave the country in terms of Section 29 of the South Africa's Immigration Act.

He said Rovero, who was convicted in the early hours of Saturday morning at a Port Elizabeth World Cup court for illegal possession of marijuana has been given 14 days to leave the country or face deportation.

"In this regard and following her conviction, she will now become a prohibited person and will accordingly be placed on South Africa's visa and entry stop list," Mamoepa said.

Rovero has paid a R10 000 repatriation guarantee which she will forfeit upon failure to depart South Africa within 14 days.

She appeared in court alongside Hilton on charges of dagga possession. The charges were withdrawn against Hilton by the State.

Rovero was fined R1 000 or 30 days in prison after she pleaded guilty to possession of one dagga cigarette.



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