RSA cops booze ban for letting driver get too drunk

A Wellington RSA has been banned from selling alcohol for a day after one of its members got drunk at the club and was caught drink-driving at nearly four times the legal limit.
The man, David John Campbell, was described in evidence by the arresting officer as "the worst drunk I've seen that was actually still awake". He was so drunk he could not be fingerprinted by police until the next morning.
At a Liquor Licensing Authority hearing last week, the Tawa Returned and Services Association was suspended for serving a drunk person alcohol and allowing a person to become drunk on licensed premises.
It was given a 24-hour suspension of its liquor licence and its bar manager, Alastair Miller, was suspended for one month.
The club says that, on the night in December, its manager stopped serving Campbell and took his car keys from him.
Club president John Sait said another club member had left with Campbell to drive him home but during an argument, Campbell got the keys back and drove from the club, despite being about 10 minutes' walk from his house.


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