42 arrested in anti-NATO demos
The last day of the NATO summit yesterday was marked by street demonstrations against the NATO meeting in Lisbon.In total, 42 people were arrested, 29 of them foreign (mostly of Spanish nationality), and identified a woman in the mega-event of Liberty Avenue, according to the organization that brought together thirty thousand people and ended with an exchange of shoves between groups activists and heavily armed police
In the morning, shortly after 09:00, a group of anti-NATO activists made a cut traffic at the intersection of Avenue of Padua with the Prince Avenue Henry. Marked on the Internet and announced to reporters by phone messages, the protest consisted of cutting the traffic for about twenty minutes. "Forty people sat on the road together in groups of three with chains called 'dragon sleeves." To symbolize the blood spilled by NATO, pint-ram is red, "explained CM Carlos Perez of the Spanish Network antimilitarist
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