Cleaning of the mountains has already begun

The cleaning of areas affected by forest fires started on Tuesday afternoon. A group of soldiers has been at  POISO, the "work" in recovering from that whole area.
Soon it will be the unemployed. The process is being finalized, he said, the JM, the Regional Director of Forestry.Rocha da Silva says that those will work in other areas of the region, also in cleaning the burned areas.
The unemployed will hold office for a period of three months. " Their recruitment was the responsibility of the Employment of Madeira.
Shall consist of three teams, who will perform in the area of Santana, Paul  poiso and / Areeiro.
Each team will have a maximum of 50 persons, to adjust the transport capacity. The persons concerned will be integrated into our program of subsidized work of the Occupational Employment Office.
Hence, only those were chosen who receive unemployment benefit.
The choice was made by the professions, primarily mending, gardeners, cleaners, laborers and unskilled. Was also taken into account in terms of physical availability and age, given the nature of work.
Remember that the program provides people who are integrated in addition to salary, receive an additional allowance equal to 25% of the minimum wage (about 120 euros), plus food allowance (about 85 euros) and still pass the social where they have to use public transport to move to the assembly point.

jornal da madeira


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