Not making the bed in the morning can keep people healthy


Scientists believe not making the bed in the morning can keep people health

A study by Kingston University, UK, suggests that while an unmade bed may look bad, it is also unattractive to mites, which scientists believe is responsible for asthma and other allergies.

The British study discovered that the insects can not survive in the dry heat of an unmade bed On average,one bed can hold up to one million and a half mites. the insects, which are less than a millimeter, they feed on human skin scales and produce allergens that are easily inhaled by humans, while sleeping The hot and humid envoirnment of occupied bed are ideal for thecreatures  but they are less likely to survive when the humidity decreases "Something as simple as letting you make the bed in the morning and let it be done during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and the mattress, causing the mites dehydrate and eventually die." Stresses the researcher, Dr. Stephen Pretlove .  


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