Uncle buries girl alive

A girl of six years was kidnapped, brutally beaten, raped and then buried, still alive in a forest in Goiás, a city of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. Found by family and neighbors, the child eventually died in hospital, but not before denouncing the attackers: an uncle and a neighbor. The girl was abducted near home, where she played. Was beaten, raped and buried alive but badly hurt in a hole, and her body covered with soil, stones and leave
when they notice the girl's disappearance, the family alerted the neighbors. Then began thorough searches in the neighborhood but only after five hours the child was found when the makeshift grave in scrub raised suspicions. Transported to the local hospital, the girl still managed to give out the names of the attackers, one of them her own uncle. due to the severity of her injuries, she was transferred to another hospital, now in Recife, where she was admitted in a coma. she died shortly afterwards. Criminals are already held.


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