The Madeira taken have some time of existence, were established in times where the resources to machines was almost impossible due to his own absence. 
The residents of Madeira have created a unique system of irrigation canals made by human hand combined with the effort and ingenuity to which appointed to -carried.
Hanging baskets or ropes tied to his waist, were cutting the sides of the island with the help of picks and shovels in order to build channels capable of carrying the most precious resource of our planet to places where their existence was necessary or even nonexistent.
Without great support from the technology, perhaps by instinct, they had to calculate the gradient of the slope that would have to be taken or else the water would not go where it was supposed to go.
Many people offered their effort and courage to build a major infrastructure existing on the island, eventually die due to accidents as was the case too often falls by breaking the cables or suspension ropes.
The main purpose of the construction was undertaken without a doubt, for the supply of water to the island but, over the years, these waterways have been given another role, designated walks throughout the led. These walking tours give the visitor spectacular landscapes, because they are in remote places, they become unique. I said ...
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