MADEIRA ISLAND School should prepare for the labor market

Education system has to realize what will be needed over the next decade
School should prepare for the labor market
The President of the Government was yesterday under the 'fire' of questions from students in the area of multimedia project of the Basic School 2 +3 of the Corral, who invited him for an interview. In essence, we asked questions related to education, but after hours of prearranged interview, Garden gave a 'anything goes' to the students present, so that you do all sorts of questions. PEC and censure motion (see text on the side) were some of the questions raised.
Alberto João Jardim yesterday defended the system of education has to realize what the job market will need in the next decade. Compete for schools to prepare students for the labor market. In his opinion it is necessary to end the current craze for everyone to be doctors. Reason that led him to defend the option of the Regional Government in encouraging the technical-vocational education. "My problem is not getting a lot of people with stroke and unemployed," said the chairman of the Government.
The question was raised by questions of students club of New Technologies Primary School 2nd and 3rd cycles of Nun's Valley, who invited the President of the Government for interview.
Assuming that society in this regard still has many misconceptions, Alberto João Jardim argued that to be someone in life, you need not be 'doctor'. What matters is being a good professional and have respect for other people. Furthermore, as pointed out today because of the shortage of technicians in certain areas, a carpenter or an electrician can earn more than a teacher.
Comparing other times with the current, Garden lamented the overcrowding that new technology introduced into society and encouraged students to read, talk and discuss more, do not be afraid of the conflict of generations, because as I said, 'Man is only free when she thinks with her own head. "
In his view, the expansion of education means that students are less prepared, do not learn to think, are more passive and have less culture. Situations which, as said, mean that it is easier for politicians to dominate the society.
It is not true that you have completed the current regime prepares to democracy, which requires hard work, discipline and democratic that students think. "There is none of this happens in Portugal," the Garden.
Admitting to be against the assessment of teachers, Alberto João said students will suffer "with this bull shit 'who settled in the country
The chairman of the Government deemed always to have been a malfunction of the Ministry of Education, not because of successive government ministers, but due to the device, which needs to be sanitized.
These and other questions, including on school management and values to be instilled at young people occupied and half hour interview of the students of the Corral.


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