MADEIRA ISLAND is the only region where unemployment low

Crest of Castro emphasizes descent rate for the 3rd consecutive quarter
"The MADEIRA was part of the country with lowest unemployment rate in the first quarter of 2010 and only where there was a decline both in the previous quarter, both in the same quarter of 2009," highlights the regional secretary for Resources Human Brazão Castro, commenting on the data released yesterday by Statistics relativamante the unemployment rate in Portugal, Madeira was 6.3% and 10.6% nationally.
It was disclosed yesterday by the National Statistics Institute (INE) the unemployment rate for the first quarter of 2010, which indicates, to Madeira, a value of 6.3%.
"It is with understandable satisfaction that we note that this indicator, calculated by Statistics shows, for the region, a decrease for the 3rd consecutive quarter," says the regional secretary of Human Resources, Brazão Castro, commenting on the indicator released yesterday. It adds "that the second quarter of 2009, this figure stood at 8.1%, falling for the third quarter and 7.9% in the fourth quarter to 7.5%.
According to data from INE, the national rate was 10.6%, representing a further increase after in those quarters, was 9.1%, 9.8% and 10.1% respectively.
In other regions, their amounts were: North - 12.5%, Central - 7.9%, Ontario - 10.5%, Alentejo - 11.1%, Algarve - Azores and 13.6% - 7.7% .
"It is thus that Madeira is a country region with the lowest unemployment rate in the 1st quarter of 2010 and only where there was a decline both in the previous quarter, both in the same quarter of 2009, all as released by INE, "stresses Brazão Castro.

Registered unemployment goes down

"But not good indicators are the unemployment rate," notes the regional secretary of Human Resources, adding that "were also released yesterday, the training institute, the data for the Registered unemployment at end of April, indicating that they were enrolled in the Institute of Employment Madeira 15 159 unemployed, which shows a decrease compared to March (- 1.1%). In late April 2009 the number of subscribers was 11,844. "
Nationally there has also been a decrease in subscribers in Job Centres (- 0.2%).
"For madeira, it can also refer to the increase in job vacancies, as another positive indicator," said Brazão Castro, noting that during the month of April were received 393 new deal and remain available at the end of the month, a total of 170. This month, 213 placements were made by the Institute of Employment Madeira.
Of the total enrolled, 9837 (65%) had the unemployment benefits, 1,054 (7%) were recipients of the IHR and 1,119 (7.4%) were seeking their first job, being 3149 the number of those who, having already worked, not currently receive any social security
"The evolution of these indicators thus creates justified expectations of a gradual improvement in the unemployment numbers in the madeira", highlights the regional secretary of Human Resources.


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