Ten detainees sew lips together at Christmas Island detention centre

Christmas Island detention centre
The Immigration Detention Centre on Christmas Island. Picture: Colin Murty

Ten detainees have sewn their lips shut at Christmas Island detention centre, Immigration Minister Chris Bowen has confirmed.

"This is distressing for me and most of the Australian people," he said.
Mr Bowen confirmed that 160 people were engaged in a peaceful protest and 10 of whom have sewn shut their lips. He said they had declined medical and psychological assistance.
Mr Bowen warned the protesters their actions would be futile.
"Applications to come and stay in Australia are dealt on their merit. They cannot and will not be changed by any protests," he said.
"A protest such as this will not achieve the desired outcome."
Mr Bowen said he had no plans to visit the centre outside of regular scheduled visits.
"I would like to express my support for the staff at Christmas Island and the Government stands with them on this matter."


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